Monday, November 1, 2010

Customer project from Sonya G.

 I love customer projects.   It's like an affirmation that your work is liked or appreciated.  When I see the pictures....well....its like when my kids were young and I was making stuff for their parties.  I had so much fun and the teachers thought I was extremely creative.   Of course, we didn't have embroidery machines then.   Everything we did was  totally by hand, and it took forever.                       Sonya G. made these from my Halloween Pencil Holders and they are so cute.  She did an awesome job.  Look at those witches hats.  I love the black and yellow one. 
   And the orange witches hat.  Check that one out.  Its got a spider on the   Sonya told me that she did these for her grand kids Halloween Parties.   I think these make a great treat ..............sugar free.    Here is what Sonya, wrote....



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